Meet Bryton O’Neal, Junior Software Manager

As we kick off the new year, it’s our pleasure to shine the spotlight on one of our outstanding team members, Bryton O’Neal, our Junior Software Engineer at IXRF Systems.

Bryton joined our team with a passion for coding and a commitment to innovation. Since then, he has become an invaluable asset to our software development team, consistently delivering high-quality solutions and contributing to the success of our projects.

What is your role at IXRF?

    • My role at IXRF systems is to innovate, develop and deploy our internal and external software applications. Through iterative development and value-added design approaches we, as a team, are able to continuously deliver and strive for an ever-improving software experience, focusing on collaborative development with our customers and applications division to bring into vision impactful change that help our customers achieve what could have never been done before.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

    • Most people don’t know that my last name O’Neal is of Irish origin, evolving from O’Neill (Ua Néill) which is an Irish clan founded around the late 10thcentury.

What are your professional goals?

    • I personally strive for continual innovation in the work that I do. Whether it is through introspective analysis of current processes, evaluating the impact and value they bring or expanding my professional horizon to allow me to extrapolate, quantify, and simplify high value ideas into actionable items I will always work towards expanding my capabilities.

How does IXRF help you achieve those goals?

    • IXRF fosters an environment that is conducive to innovation by having the right mind set and the amazing people to support it. By giving its employees the flexibility to create new processes, redefine how work is done, and explore industry innovations they create an engaging and productive environment for expanding your capabilities.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

    • I absolutely love the outdoors. In the past I have done a lot of hiking, running, or kayaking but more recently I have gotten dive certified so that I can explore the watery depths and all the wonders it contains.

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Bringing Clarity to Complexity