Company News

Scientific paper on microXRF-SEM

Micro-XRF-EDS map of carbon-coated sherd
Micro-XRF-EDS map of carbon-coated sherd.
. 2014 Mar; 87(1): 15–20.
Published online 2014 Mar 5.
PMCID: PMC3941461
PMID: 24600333
Focus: Microscopy and Imaging

Comparing the Detection of Iron-Based Pottery Pigment on a Carbon-Coated Sherd by SEM-EDS and by Micro-XRF-SEM

aMicroscopy and Imaging Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
bAmerican Section, University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
cMicroscopy Consulting Technologists, Thomasville, Georgia
dDepartment of Agricultural Sciences, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas
*To whom all correspondence should be addressed: Dr. Michael W. Pendleton, Microscopy and Imaging Center, Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building, Mail Stop 2257, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2257; Tele: 979-845-1182; Fax: 979-847-8933; Email: ude.umat@pekim.
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